![]() You’d be amazed at how often children can surprise you for the better! It can be difficult to understand all their actions—why they seem to deliberately misbehave or act contrary to your expectations. Sometimes it’s near impossible to know what goes on in their little minds, because their actions contradict your instructions or what you perceive as right. You’ll find, though, that despite their naughty behavior, they have good hearts, especially if you’ve given them the right training and taught them to love and care for others. Children don’t see things as grownups do, and that’s something that you should keep in mind when your little one seems to have a knack for getting into trouble. They’re exploring life, so sometimes what seems like an obvious “no” to you, might not be so clear in a child’s mind. They may not have had it explained to them why they shouldn’t touch something, or why they shouldn’t react in a particular manner. Every day is a learning experience for them, and you, their parents, are their instructors; you are teaching them little things today that set the bigger things in place later on in life. It takes love, understanding, faith, and patience to raise a child. You have to see them as what they can be, to take note of the good even when they have a penchant for being troublesome. If you take the time to pour into your children and teach them right from wrong, the fruit of what you sow in their lives will show. Your children may go through difficult times, but if your love and support is constant, and you maintain a good standard with them of what is right and wrong, then it will pay off, even though it may seem to be clouded over for a time. If you keep leading them in the right direction in love, the good will always shine brightly, and perhaps in those moments that you least expect it to. As the proverb says: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. The training you give your children when they are young pays off in the long run. That good will not only manifest itself down the line sometime, but you’ll see the fruits of it every day, if you’ll keep an eye out for it. Don’t jump to conclusions, but see through the eyes of faith and possibility, and your children can amaze you! © TFI. Used with permission.
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