Updated March 2024!
This post includes a comprehensive list of stories, videos, coloring pages and activities for children. All stories, coloring pages and activity sheets can be freely downloaded, printed and used at no cost for group events or at home. Happy Easter! If you are looking for children's devotional articles and presentations about Easter or topics related to Easter, you can find a large list of free resources here. Children's Stories, Devotionals, Comics, and Articles:
Children's Easter Videos:
Easter Coloring and Activity Pages:
Note: Be sure to check out this comprehensive list of resources for Lent to find even more children's stories, devotionals, coloring pages and arts and crafts that can be used for the Easter season!
For additional resources for Lent, organized by age groups, click here
For Bible stories, devotionals, videos, coloring pages and activities for Easter, click here Updated February 2024! Bible Stories
NEW! Classes
Coloring Pages
Updated December 2023
The Christmas season is always a special time for families – a time of love, warmth, togetherness, giving, caring – and lots and lots of fun! Following are some links to good Christmas stories and videos for children of all ages. In fact, you may even enjoy having your whole family read (or watch) some of these heartwarming and character building stories together, celebrating the beauties and joys of this special season that only comes once a year. Merry Christmas! Stories, Comics and Books: 1 – 4 year olds:
5 – 7 year olds:
8 – 11 year olds:
NEW! 12 - 16 year olds:
Videos: Note: These are short songs, video clips and cartoons. Click here for a listing of full length Christmas movies and cartoons for the whole family!
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Updated November 2023
Parenting is more than comforting children when they fall down, or making sure they get proper nutrition, and brush their teeth, and so on. Parents are responsible for their children’s spiritual training as well. You can constantly point a child towards the Lord, even from the time he or she is born, by talking to them about Jesus. You can pass a knowledge of the Bible on to them by daily using Bible story books and other devotional materials appropriate for their age. Following are some links to free online devotionals for toddlers, preschoolers and young children. These short, illustrated books, booklets and presentations will grab your little one’s attention and make him want to learn more about Jesus. Click on the links to either read these devotionals online or download them to your computer. Free Devotional Books: Big Thoughts for Little Minds – This series of five books brings key Bible passages to life in a relatable way for young children. The books include simple text, colorful illustrations and points for discussion to help little kids better understand Biblical principles. Click the following links to read or download the books for free: Jesus and Me – A series of books with messages from Jesus for children on themes such as: waking up, bedtime, kindness, healthy habits, learning new things, guardian angels, and protection. Click the following links to read or download these books for free: Seasonal Devotional Books – The following daily devotional books have been created for specific seasons:
Free Devotional Series: NEW! Thank God for the Seasons - Four short books with praises to God for the blessings of each season: In the Garden – A series of comics featuring a gardener and the children he works with. Children reading the booklets will learn valuable lessons about God’s love and care, kindness and consideration, obedience and the importance of spending time with Jesus each day. Coloring pages accompany the stories for added fun. Pray a Way – Colorful posters (with accompanying black and white pages to color) featuring rhyming prayers for just about every activity. A bible verse is included for each prayer. Topics covered include schooltime, mealtime, bedtime, holidays, grandparents and even pets. Bright Pebbles – Bright Pebbles is a collection of Christian and character-building books written for children ages four on up. Each devotional is built on a Bible verse, and explains to a child in simple terms what the principles of that verse mean and how it applies to daily living. The Bright Pebbles series is created by My Wonder Studio and there are currently over 85 of these devotionals posted online in pdf format for easy downloading. Additionally, a compilation of several books from this series can be downloaded for free in epub and mobi format. My Little Talks with Jesus – An ongoing series of short, devotional articles where Jesus talks with little children about day to day issues such as happiness, trying new things, forgiveness, going to sleep at night and more. This series is created by My Wonder Studio and all articles are in .pdf format for easy downloading. You can also download the ebook for free in epub or Kindle format. One Kind Deed at a Time – A series of ten devotional articles on the topic of kindness, consideration and forgiveness. Each devotional includes a Bible verse and practical ideas to put the article into action. This series is created by My Wonder Studio and all articles are in .pdf format for easy downloading. Through Every Day - Covers topics such as God's love, prayer, and kindness. A free coloring page accompanies every devotional. Basic Christian Principles for Little Children - Short devotionals to help children learn the basics of the Christian faith:
Other Free Devotionals for Little Kids
Devotionals from the Freekidstories Website - Freekidstories offers a range of free children’s devotional resources for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, including presentations of songs, illustrated simplified Bible verses and short devotional articles. Songs:
My Wonder Studio - The My Wonder Studio website is dedicated to creating free children’s stories, devotionals and activities that can be read online or downloaded at no charge. You can find materials for children ages 0-5 years here or check out stories and devotionals listed by category. Nurture, Inspire, Teach: Nurture, Inspire, Teach is a website dedicated to providing great online resources for children, teenagers and parents. Following are links to the site’s children’s devotionals for little ones.
To help your little one learn even more of God's Word, check out this list of free Bible stories online that your little ones are sure to enjoy. Some of these are available as PowerPoints while others are in .pdf and/or ebook format. Families that share that common connection with God, whom the Bible calls love itself (1 John 4:8), are closer, more loving, more unified, and have far fewer serious problems among themselves than families that don’t. Why?—Because they have the most important things in common, besides a clear standard of right and wrong—the spiritual guidance and support they need to make the right decisions and stick to them. Click on the links for free illustrated and simplified Bible stories for children. Stories can either be read online or downloaded in .ppt or .pdf format. Bible Story Flashcards All flashcards can be downloaded for free (in .pdf format):
Bible Story Flannelgraphs These free Bible flannelgraphs cover stories from the life of Jesus, including the First Christmas, the healing of Jairus’ daughter, healing of the ten lepers, the parable of the lost sheep, the story of Zacchaeus and the story of the first Easter. All flannelgraphs can be downloaded in color or black and white. (.pdf format) Bible Story Presentations (PowerPoint) The following two sections contain Bible stories in PowerPoint presentation format; just right click an image and then select “save file as” or “save as” to download any Bible story onto your computer. Basic Old Testament Stories – Simple, colorful and nicely illustrated Old Testament stories for children. The stories found here include Creation, Noah and the Ark, Joseph, Moses, David and Goliath and Jonah. Basic New Testament Stories – New Testament stories found at this link include Jesus Calls 12 Disciples, The Good Samaritan, Jesus feeds 5,000, Jesus calms a storm, Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar, Lazarus lives again, The 10 Lepers, The Lost Sheep and The Prodigal Son. NEW! Old Testament Stories: (all stories can be read online or downloaded as a .pdf for free)
Life of Jesus (all stories can be read online or downloaded as a .pdf for free)
NEW! Parables of Jesus (all stories can be read online or downloaded as a .pdf for free) NEW! Stories of the Acts of the Apostles (all stories can be read online or downloaded as a .pdf for free)
Bible Story Books Some of these Bible story books can only be read online while others can be downloaded in .pdf, .epub or .mobi format.
Bible Passages and Prayers
Four to Six/Seven Year Olds
Seven to Ten Year Olds
Coloring Pages/Activities
Updated February March 2023!
Following is a comprehensive list of stories, devotionals, coloring pages and activities for Lent for children and teens of all ages. All material is non-denominational and can be easily used by Catholics and Protestants alike. The material is divided by age and category (stories/devotionals). Lent-related subjects covered by this material include prayer, salvation, forgiveness, generosity and Christian living. Be sure to also check the list of free resources for Easter for even more stories, illustrated kids’ devotions, videos and fun activities. Lent Daily Devotional Books
1-4 Years
5-7 Years
Devotionals Unless otherwise noted, the following devotionals deal with topics related to God’s love for humankind, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and having a close relationship with Jesus today. Some, such as John 3 and John 1:1-14, are Bible chapters with colorful illustrations that bring the text to life and make it easy to understand.
8-11 Years
Preteens and Teens
Coloring Pages
Arts and Crafts Activities
Image courtesy of Lotus Carroll via Flickr.
Updated February 2023!
Valentine's Day is an annual holiday celebrated around the world on February 14. It began as a feast honoring Saint Valentine but is now celebrated as a holiday dedicated to love and friendship. (Adapted from Wikipedia) Following are some great stories, videos and arts and crafts activities for children for this special day. Stories, Comics and Devotionals: For children ages 1-4
For children ages 5-7
For children ages 8 to 11
Coloring Pages:
Videos and Songs:
The feast of the Epiphany occurs on the evening of January 6, the twelfth day after Christmas. Its name means “appearance” or “manifestation,” and it celebrates the day when Jesus was revealed as the Son of God to the wise men, or magi. When the magi adored the infant Jesus and presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, it was taken as a sign, because they were Gentiles, that Jesus was sent as the Savior of all men everywhere, not only the Jews.
Following is a list of children’s stories, videos, coloring pages and activities for this special day. Epiphany Stories and Articles:
Coloring Pages and Arts and Crafts Activities
Image courtesy of ChristArt.com
Updated November 2022
Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada. This year (2022), Thanksgiving Day falls on the 24th of November. (Explanation adapted from Wikipedia) The following children’s stories, activities and videos are ideal for Thanksgiving. They can be used at home or in a classroom or Sunday School setting and will help children not only enjoy themselves but also remember the true meaning of the season. Stories, Books and Presentations
Bible Stories and Coloring Pages on Thankfulness
March 2024
LinksFree Children's Stories |