From Jesus with Love What greater gift can you give children than to provide a home where their mother and father love each other deeply? As has been so wisely said, one of the best things you can do for a child is to love your spouse. Your love for each other, your camaraderie, and your unity of purpose and goals will go a long way in helping your children to form positive attitudes in their own lives. Your positive example will affect the way they’ll look at the situations and circumstances they’ll encounter later on in life. In an environment of love, your children will develop tender hearts and grow into loving, caring, and thoughtful people. Love truly is the greatest force in the world, so let My love flow through you for each other and for those I give you to care for. Excerpted from "From Jesus with Love - For Couples", by Aurora Productions.
From Jesus with Love
Text courtesy of Activated! magazine. Photo by Maria Fontaine Parents have one of the most important jobs in the world—and you’re worthy of much appreciation, honor, and commendation. Some of you may be tempted to allow other aspects of your busy lives to consume your time and take precedence over your parenting and the time you spend with your little ones. Or if you’re a full-time parent, you may feel that the ministries or work others do is more important than what you are doing. But I want to remind you that your sacrifices and labors of love that you perform for your precious children will be rewarded. Even if your family members or friends don’t always see the love you give, the time you invest, the heartaches you experience, the challenges you face, the battles you fight, and the persevering spirit you possess to overcome obstacles, Jesus does, and He’s going to reward you accordingly. Every difficulty will pale when compared with the glory and honor He’ll rain upon you for a job well done. Jesus says: I have bestowed a great honor on you. At times it may not seem like an honor but rather the opposite—a drudgery, a drain, full of heartaches and heartbreaks, thankless, difficult, and demanding. I know it can sometimes be all these things. But these times do not portray the real picture. In teaching, educating, raising, and caring for your children, your work is like a masterpiece of living art—not something that will be admired on pieces of canvas, or sculptures carved from stone, or inscribed on the walls of a great church. No, those works of art will pass away, but the work of teaching, raising, and caring for your children will live on in their lives. Your children are creations of My hand, made in My image, and you are the one I have chosen to raise them in My nurture and admonition. Your job ahead is a mountain that may seem high. There are many parallels you can draw from what those who climb mountains have experienced. In short, it’s their lifework. True mountaineers train all their lives for their trek to the top. They plan every step carefully—the amount of equipment they’ll need, the team they will travel with, the time of year they will travel, the food supply, etc. They plot their course. Then they begin their journey. But no matter how well they have planned, unexpected conditions and circumstances that arise can add to the challenge. Sometimes they find themselves in impossible situations and they risk their lives for the climb. The physical and spiritual challenges you parents face on your journey are comparable to those who scale mountains. But you have a definite advantage, the ultimate advantage, the advantage that ensures that you will reach your goal. You have Me as your guide. You have the power of My promises in My Word for any impossible situation you find yourself in. You are My mountaineer! * The world of tomorrow is what the mothers of today make it, according to the way they raise their children.—David Brandt Berg * Children are a big job, but with a big job comes a big reward. —David Brandt Berg * Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.--Psalm 127:3–5 Post courtesy of Photo copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
Encouragement for parents whose child is sick
Words from Jesus, received in prophecy
Watching your child suffer through an illness is usually far more difficult than enduring it yourself. But when you are faced with such a situation, remember that I can bring beauty and purpose out of even the saddest or most difficult circumstances. Whether your child is sick with a bad cold or flu, or endures a long-term affliction, or has been hospitalized, I am watching over your child. I love your child, and I do all things well.
If you are facing such a heartbreak, remember that I know your child best and love him even more deeply and dearly than you. I am so proud of you for facing this great difficulty in your child’s life with faith and trust in Me. I know it’s not easy to go through. It’s heartbreaking. I’m so proud of you for trusting Me to bring you through, despite how difficult it is for you and your child at this time. I promise that I will bring you through. I and My angels are at your side to bring peace, comfort, and supernatural grace to see you through. I am sending waves of relief and touches of grace and healing to your child. I’m blessing you with healing, relief, hope, courage, faith, and the path to victory in these circumstances and difficulties. I will never allow you to endure more than you can bear. I will never allow your child more than he or she can bear. I will not fail to fulfill this promise in your child’s life. I will make a way of escape. Everything passes, even things that seem as if they’ll last forever. So during times when you find the battles of this life hard to bear, and they feel unending and unmerciful, know and trust My promise that they will not last forever. This will pass in My perfect time, and until the battle comes to an end, My grace will be poured out upon you in abundance. When your child goes through pain and difficulty, be encouraged to know that I am with him through it all. Even if healing doesn’t come immediately, you can know that I’m filling his life and heart and spirit with special treasures. It’s easy to feel that I am distant from you or your child when your child is sick or afflicted. But nothing could be further from the truth. It is in these times that I am closest to you and your loved one. It is one of the most difficult things in life to see a child suffer. But remember that My little ones behold My face, and in that beholding they receive strength to endure. Their spirits are strong and resilient, because they are close to Me. I give grace equal to the trial, even at such a young age. I give My grace to your child when he needs it most. I do not leave My children comfortless.
Text copyright The Family International.
- From Jesus with Love
All parents feel inadequate in some way or another, at some time or another. It is part of parental love to want the best for your children even if it means giving of yourself beyond your natural limits. But don’t make the mistake many parents do in thinking they have to carry the whole load themselves. If you do that, you’ll soon wear out. You need to learn to share the load with Me. If you can’t give your children everything you would like to every day, give them what you can and then trust Me for the rest. The most important thing you can give your children is love—your love and My love. Do that, and you will have happy, well-adjusted children; you will have succeeded as a parent. But to have that love, you must take time with Me and My Word, in prayer and reflection. I have all the strength and peace and faith and love and answers you need. I love your children and know exactly what they need day by day. I want to fill your every need so together we can fill theirs, but to get those things you must spend time with Me. When it seems impossible to make time for Me, that’s when you need it most. Come into My arms and find rest. Cast your burdens upon Me. My shoulders are broad enough and My arms strong enough to carry any load. Make time to be with Me each day and I will answer your prayers for your children. I will make you the parent you want to be. I will do what you can’t. And last but not least, your children will see a new light upon your face, for they will see Me there.
Article courtesy of Activated magazine.
It’s not easy raising children in today’s world. Many of the godly values that you want to encourage in your children are constantly being attacked by others who are going the opposite direction. You worry that even your best efforts will fail and that your children will turn their backs on the values you hold dear. I know you’re sometimes tempted to give up, but don’t. Your concern and care are not in vain. There’s only so much that you can do, even though you try your best. But I’m capable of doing much more than you ever could, and I am here to help. I also understand your children even better than you do, and I know how to best handle their problems. I want to work with you to shape your children into the godly people we both want them to become. Commit your children to Me in prayer. Through prayer you can be the better parent you want to be. Through prayer you can help protect your children from harm and unwholesome influences. Through prayer you can find My solutions to their problems. Through your prayers I can do what you can’t do. Set aside time each day to pray for your children. Each time you’re faced with a troublesome issue, ask Me for the answer. Start today to be a better parent through prayer. Changes that you haven’t thought possible will come to pass through the power of prayer. Excerpt from the book "From Jesus with Love - For Troubled Times", © Aurora Productions. Photo copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos
I’m your Shepherd It takes a lot of love and unselfishness to raise a child, and it takes even more when you’re doing it as a single parent. Some days you feel like it’s too much-that you can’t be both mother and father to your child-yet you keep going. I’m proud of you for that. One day you’re going to be so happy that you didn’t give up, but kept loving and teaching your child the best you could. When your daughter grows up and looks back and remembers all the love and care you gave her, she will be so thankful and proud to have a mother like you. I also know it’s tough to be the primary source of support for your family. I want to help and take care of you. Have you heard the Psalm “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”? I don’t want you to lack anything you need. If you pray and ask Me for help, I will show you what to do to take care of the bills, and I will make sure that you and your child are provided for. Someone to lean on Children are a blessing from Me. Each of them is a special touch of My love, and they are never a mistake. I create them with love, and then entrust them to parents like you, to be loved and cared for. You’ve given so much of yourself in order to take care of your children, and you continue to give. I want you to know that I see and I appreciate every bit of that. I also want you to know that I’m always here to help you. You often don’t feel capable as a parent, but if you look to Me, I will make it easier. It’s a huge job, especially when you’re doing it on your own, but I will help you through the difficult times. I will give you all the love and patience you need. I will give you all the wisdom and understanding you need. I will be your other half, the one you can lean on. I will help you make the tough decisions. I want to be a part of your family. I want to be the head of your household. You don’t have to raise your family alone. I am here to help you. Excerpted from "From Jesus with Love - For Women" by Aurora Productions. Used with permission.
A Reflection for Parents By Jesus, speaking in prophecy Think about My beautiful gifts of love to you in the form of the children I have blessed you with. Each one is so precious to you, so dear to your heart. Their well-being, happiness and growth are so important to you. They’re also extremely important to Me, for they are also My sons and daughters. Think about My concern and care for them, and the way I manifest this to you and to them—through times of happiness, laughter, blessings, and fun; times of learning and experience and change and times that challenge their hearts and minds. Think about My promises to care for My own—and your children are My own. Think about My perfect love and understanding of all their needs and desires, both now and in the future. Meditate on My ability to care for them, no matter what their circumstances. *** In the Bible I said, “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:6,7) I’m very concerned about every detail, and when it comes to the care of your children, I am concerned and moved to care for them. “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26) And if I and My Father know of and care for every sparrow, doesn’t it stand to reason that I would be concerned and care for you and your children?—For they are My children too. A sparrow is a tiny bird, and My children are worth more to Me than all the sparrows in the world. © The Family International. A mother's love is one of the best examples of My love for My children, because a godly mother loves unconditionally, continually, and despite the circumstances. It is a special love that I place in each mother's heart because I knew that through the love that mothers have for their children, all of you would better understand My love.
You may feel incapable in your task as a mother. You see your faults and know that you aren't perfect. But, oh, there is so much beauty surrounding a mother! You mothers resemble Me in the way you unselfishly give, sometimes without seeming to receive much in return, and in the way you pray for your children and support their dreams. I knew when I gave you children that there would be times of disappointment, desperation, and heartbreak, but I also knew that there would be times of great joy and love beyond measure, and that in your children you would find much of the meaning to your life. Being a mother requires a lot, but it also has its rewards—the joy of holding a newborn, the smile of a little child, the happy moments shared as a family, the appreciation and respect shown by your grown child, and the love exchanged all along the way. These and many more are My blessings for all that you give up to be a mother. And one day here in Heaven you will receive the ultimate reward for all that you have given. It will be the greatest family reunion ever, untarnished by tears or earthly limitations, where unveiled love will envelop you. In that moment you will experience the rewards of motherhood to the full. If you want a happier family and happier family life, here’s how: Include Me in everything you do.
I’m not talking about dry, formal, somber religiosity—anything but! You just might be surprised at how much fun I can be! The benefits of including Me are too numerous to list here, but I’ll give you three. One: I’m full of ideas. My Father and I created this world together—the first-ever family project, if you will—and you’ve got to admit, we came up with some pretty good stuff! If we made it all for you and want you to enjoy it to the full—which we did—don’t you think I can show you better things to do together than to sit semi-comatose in front of a TV? Two: I can relate. I can relate to every generation and know better than anyone how to bring generations together and keep them together. Don’t forget, I’ve been at this a long time. There’s no situation you face that I haven’t helped others deal with before, so consult with Me the moment you begin to have problems on the home front. Three: More love. Isn’t that what you want most for your family—love? I am love—the very spirit of love—so where I am, love is. The Bible says that in My presence is fullness of joy, and at My right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11). I have so much love to give you and yours—more than you could possibly imagine and much more than you can contain. It’s here for you any time, all the time, just for the asking. I’m at your beck and call. Just say, “Jesus, thank You for being a part of our family—the head of our family. Be with us now in what we’re about to do.” |
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